Nowadays it's unthinkable to leave your house without your phone. It's impossible to not look on your phone every 10 minutes or so. Dependentia is about this specific addiction. Losing grip on the world around you because you're to busy looking at a tiny screen.
By showing how ridiculous it looks to have a person with you at all times, it shows perspective on how normalised it has been made to always carry around your phone, which essentially is a lot of people combined.
During the making of this short film there were a lot more aspects to it than anticipated. Planning when or where you will shoot scenes, making list on stuff you need to film (proffessional gear and props) and actually getting the shots we had envisioned beforehand. The editing of the sound and the video were also new to me.
It was a very fun process though which taught me a lot. This is a short film I'm very proud of!